In this article, we learn about the installation of the Power BI Desktop.
- To Install Power BI Desktop first search the Microsoft Power BI Desktop Download in the browser and open the first link.
- After that click on Download.
- Now we wait until the downloading process is complete.
- After that, the setup file is downloaded in our system in downloads. This setup file helps to install the Power BI Desktop.
- When we double click, on the setup file then the installation wizard is open.
- For installing click on the Next button.
- In the Microsoft Software License Terms wizard, we accept the license agreement and click on the Next button.
- Here we specify the destination location path. In this location Power by Desktop will be installed.
- If you want to change the location path, click Change, and specify the required path.
- Click on the Next button.
- Finally, click on install and wait until the installation process is complete.
- If you want to desktop shortcut then tick mark on create a desktop shortcut otherwise, click on install.
- By clicking on the finish button we completed the installation of the Power BI Desktop.
- The first time Power BI desktop displays the sign-in form. Here need to fill appropriate information then click on the done.
- After the click on done, the success window is displayed.
There are two ways to get Power BI Desktop account:-
- The organization purchases Power BI licenses for its employees.
- Individuals sign up for free trials or personal licenses.
If you are new to Power BI start with the following must-watch video: -