Normalization is a process of organize data in database.
To remove data redundancy we use normalization.
- First Normal Form(1NF)
- Second Normal Form(2NF)
- Third Normal Form(3NF)
First Normal Form(1NF):-
- In the First Normal Form first rule is to break data into smaller logical pieces.
I have created the student table which stores the student data like Roll_No, Name, etc.
I will find out those names whose surname is Sharma.
Also, I will find out those names whose surname is Sharma but don’t have a middle name.
It is difficult to find out the result because of the database design. so we apply 1NF i.e. name is broken into F_Name, M_Name, and Surname.
After applying the first rule searching is faster and a query is simpler.
- The second rule of 1NF is to Avoid duplicate data.
In this query, I will display those names whose Class is 10th.
It will display only one record but it doesn’t display another record because of the data entry problem. By avoiding duplicate data we apply the second rule of 1NF.
We can create another table that is Class. And create a relationship between the class table and the student table via the foreign key.
After applying the second rule remove duplicate records.
Second Normal Form (2NF):-
- In the second Normal Form, the first rule is table is a must in the First Normal Form.
- The Second rule is all column data should depend on the primary key.
If added extra subject in the subject column then it will be updated to a per-student it is not good. This problem to solve by applying 2NF.
The subject is not directly connected to a student. So I will create three tables i.e. Syllabus table, Subject table, and Subject_Syllabus table.
In database design shown the relationship between the tables.
The 2NF second rule is the subject is dependent on the syllabus, not a roll number.
Third Normal Form (3NF):-
- In the Third Normal Form, the first rule is table is a must in the Second Normal Form.
- The second rule of 3NF is No column should depend on other columns.
If we implement the 3NF we can delete the Average column because the Average depends on the marks and subject.
If you are new to database learning-SQL Server recommended is the following must-watch video: -