NumPy and SciPy in Python

2 min readApr 2, 2020


In this article, we learn about NumPy and SciPy in Python.

  • Python is a programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991.


  • NumPy is an open-source python library.
  • NumPy is a package that is used in scientific computing and data manipulation in Python.
  • NumPy handles large datasets. It allows us to work with multi-dimensional arrays and matrices. NumPy is the most useful library for Data Science.


  • In below screenshot displays the output.
  • NumPy contains nothing but an array data type which performs the most basic operation like sorting, shaping, indexing, etc.


  • SciPy is an open-source python-based library, It is used in mathematics, scientific computing.
  • SciPy also pronounced as “Sigh pi”. SciPy is built on top of the NumPy. It can operate on an array of NumPy library.
  • SciPy is a fully-featured version of linear Algebra while Numpy contains only a few features.


  • In below screenshot displays the output.
  • The SciPy library, a collection of numerical algorithms and Optimization, Statistics and much more.

If you are new to Data Science start with the following must-watch video:-



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