In this article, we learn about string function in SQL Server.
SQL Server string functions process on an input string and return a string or numeric value.
- ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
- It returns the ASCII code value for the specific character.
- Syntax: ASCII ( input_string )
- CHAR returns the character based on the ASCII code. It is exactly opposite to the ASCII code.
- Syntax: CHAR ( integer_expression )
- NCHAR returns the Unicode character based on the number code.
- Syntax: NCHAR ( integer_expression )
- CHARINDEX returns the position of a substring in a string.
- Syntax: CHARINDEX(substring, string [, start_location])
- CONCAT adds two or more strings into one string. It requires at least two input strings.
- If we pass one input string, then it shows an error.
- If we pass the non-character string, then the function converts those values into strings before concatenating.
- Syntax: CONCAT ( input_string1, input_string2 [, input_stringN ] );
- LEFT extracts several characters from a character string starting from the left.
- Syntax: LEFT ( input_string , number_of_characters )
- RIGHT extracts several characters from a string starting from the right.
- Syntax: RIGHT ( input_string , number_of_characters )
- LEN returns a length of a character string excluding trailing blanks.
- Syntax: LEN(input_string)
- DATALENGTH returns the number of bytes used to represent an expression.
- The DATALENGTH() function counts trailing blanks.
- Syntax: DATALENGTH ( expression )
- LOWER convert a string to lowercase.
- Syntax: LOWER( string )
- UPPER converts a string to uppercase.
- If the input string is NULL, the UPPER() returns NULL, otherwise, it returns a new string with all letters converted to uppercase.
- Some database systems provide an additional function named UCASE which is the same as the UPPER() function.
- Syntax: UPPER(string);
- LTRIM removes leading spaces from the left-hand side of a string.
- Syntax: LTRIM(input_string)
- RTRIM returns a new string from a specified string after removing all trailing blanks.
- Syntax: RTRIM(input_string)
- PATINDEX returns the starting position of the first occurrence of a pattern in a string.
- Syntax: PATINDEX ( ‘%pattern%’ , input_string )
- Replace all occurrences of a substring, within a string, with a new substring.
- Syntax: REPLACE(input_string, substring, new_substring);
- STUFF delete a part of a string and then insert another substring into the string starting at a specified position.
- Syntax:
STUFF ( input_string , start_position , length , replace_with_substring )
- SPACE returns a string of repeated spaces.
- Syntax: SPACE(count);
- The count is a positive integer that specifies the number of spaces. It count is negative, the function will return NULL.
- STR returns character data converted from numeric data.
- Syntax: STR( number [, length [, decimal_places ] ] )
- Extract a substring within a string starting from a specified location with a specified length.
- Syntax: SUBSTRING(input_string, start, length);
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